Godwin Temisa

Amy Dante -Error Dad's
Spelling Prodigy
Hombo And The
Grumpy Frog
Hombo The Tortoise The Jealous Tiger The King Must Laugh The Dove Spirit



Amy Dante -Error Dad's Spelling Prodigy

Hombo And The Grumpy Frog

The King Must Laugh

The Jealous Tiger

Hombo The Tortoise

The Dove Spirit

Book Reviews From Amazon

The King Must Laugh is a lighthearted children's book and has themes of friendship and humor. The illustrations are very colorful and feel kind of old timey and stylized. I liked how this book has some rhyming in it and is a little silly.


I truly enjoyed reading this quick read about friendship, love, mercy and honesty. Illustrations are vivid and stylistic, dialogue simple yet poignant. I highly recommend this book for any parent and educators who want to convey message of love, honesty, and mercy.


If you are choosing a book for your child, then you should definitely check the book - Hombo The Tortoise by G. Temisa. I bought this book for my nephew, he is six years old and he enjoyed listening to the story about animals.


Hombo The Tortoise: Going to School with Loud Animals by Godwin Temisa is a great book for kids between the ages of 4 and 8. The story is engaging and the overarching message is one of cooperation when you have differences to resolve. Working together is an important concept for kids to learn, and this book effectively teaches that lesson.


Hombo the tortoise is a great book to share with children. The story is about a tortoise and some friends that want to build a school just for the smaller animals. The book has great illustrations and the story is fun and keeps children attention. I have done story time with my daughter for years and she loved this story. If you are in the market for a good kids book or maybe you like to read to grand children , this is a great place to start. Well worth the purchase.

Jimmy ray

I want to say that beautiful and colorful illustrations and lovely dialogues certainly support the child’s interest! Seemed to me like i watch a animated movie. Also, a good book to practice reading. If we talk briefly about the content, then it is talking about a school for animals, where, because of aching ears, the animals decided to build another school for themselves, since elephants are large and loud animals. I liked the book, I plan to buy a few more books as a gift for my little relatives. Thanks to the author for the good and kind story about animals. I highly recommend it, get and enjoy!


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The Dove Spirit

The dove has always been used as s symbol of peace. Why is that? Because there are a couple of places in Scripture that point to the dove as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. The first is found in the story of Noah and the flood.
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Amy Dante -Error Dad's Spelling Prodigy

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Hombo And The Grumpy Frog

What happens when you dare to be kind, brave, and willing to challenge the odds? Hombo, the Tortoise, has always wanted to fly. Grumpy Frog, has always wanted to be happy. One afternoon, while Grumpy is being, well… “grumpy”, he is caught off-guard by the unexpected kindness and compassion shown to him by a stranger—

The King Must Laugh

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The Dove Spirit

The dove has always been used as s symbol of peace. Why is that? Because there are a couple of places in Scripture that point to the dove as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. The first is found in the story of Noah and the flood.
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