Divine Principles

Heart To Heart

How is the world ticking along, people? Are we working to make it a better place?My greatest wish is that we can live cordially with one another. Human beings are territorial by nature, but that doesn’t mean we cannot cooperate as part of the whole. Every human being is a world on its own, then …

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How to Grow Spiritually

Spiritual maturity is the measure of the influence that your faith has in your life and its impact on those you encounter. The more that the beliefs and tenants of your faith shape your worldview and guide your actions, the deeper your spiritual maturity. Genuine relationship with God which inspires action makes spiritual maturity evident …

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Service Of Humanity

God must be interested in seeing that we take very good care of our world. Before we look into what we should do to serve humanity we must first understand God’s position.  “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”   – Psalm 24:1 So this tells …

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